School visit. First week

 I joined in GVHSS Pirappancode for teaching. I was assigned to deal with the unit 4 in class IX A1, IXA2, IXC1, IXC2. I was assigned under the guidenship of Rema teacher .

On the first day 13-12-2021, I took first lesson template in 9A1. The first 2passages of The Jungle Aircrash.on Tuesday I took a lesson template on9C1. I got a substitute in same class itself. I gave an opportunity to have new lesson template. On Wednesday o took a new lesson template on 9C1. From Thursday onwards new shift of Students have changed then on Saturday 18-12-2021 I took a new lesson template in 9E2.  In total in this I have taught on 7period and went to class as substitute for 10 period.

We the trainees were also given duty to control students discipline and food serving .on the first week I taught about 4 lesson templates.



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